Just worked another gig as the “young mom” in a commercial!
Apparently my artificial biological clock ticks very loudly in the audition room. This is my first time working with a baby on camera; he was 6 months old. They had a girl as “backup baby” in case there was a meltdown (which, thankfully never occurred), and judas priest these babies were freakily beautiful. I mean, you always have to say that babies are cute, but they’re not really always cute (some have heads shaped like birth canals for the first year, some have weird hair growing down their backs and some are just, well, ugly).
The director on this shoot was SO supportive and just downright joyous! After each take he would exclaim things like “beautiful” or “fantastic” — which is rare. Usually, directors have so much going on that you can pretty much just assume you’re doing a great job if they don’t say anything to you.